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Pukara Core values

These values are a guide to orienting the decision taking. When facing a dichotomy, they should be the ones guiding us.


Be the type of person who gets things done, whether independently or through collaboration with others.

The key skill is to set priorities and overcome procrastination.

Continuously seek new ways to perform your job. Be tolerant of failure and persist in your efforts.


  • In situations where issues arise, proactively seek workarounds and solutions independently before asking for help or escalating the matter
  • Proactive Behavior


To be honest, trustworthy and ethical in our actions.

It means completing our work on time and acknowledging our mistakes when they occur.


  • Don’t lie, please!
  • Be faithful, humble and respectful

Ability to adapt/adjust

We need to be able to change and remain flexible when encountering new or different circumstances.


  • We might have to pivot our business strategy in response to changes in the market. Or maybe to adopt new technologies as they become available.
  • Willing to change internal processes/policies in order to better serve customers or employees


Be happy to share your knowledge and offer advice, so we can contribute to our colleagues growth and deliver projects faster.


  • We want employees to work together on projects and to share ideas and resources in order to achieve better outcomes
  • Cooperation and mutual support among employees


Clearly articulate your requirements and feelings to ensure mutual understanding and effective collaboration.

Embrace frameworks for non-violent communication (NVC) to foster a respectful and productive environment.


  • Don’t be violent and implement frameworks as non-violent communication

Curiosity & Passion

Approach every day by asking questions, staying interested, and never stopping learning.

"The desire to constantly question concepts and processes in order to improve. Curious people are willing to leave their comfort zone and explore the possibilities, as they know the path will lead to progress." (ref here)


  • Hacker Culture
  • In IT, troubleshooting is a very important skill. We find software issues almost every day, to solve them we require curiosity and passion, otherwise we end up with a very frustrating day

Inclusion & Diversity

Organizations should respect and appreciate differences in age, gender, ethnicity, education, physical abilities, race, and religion among individuals


  • We don’t care if you’re gay, Christian, Muslim, non-binary, etc


Be present at work, because you decided to be here and you will do your best


Some references and material to read: